dandelion dreams in colors

(my camera has been acting up but i like it)


Unknown said…
Great picture, broken camera or not!

Thx for stopping by my blog today. It was nice to "meet" you!
Maria said…
Hihihi! I love his expression!
Jiorji said…
i think your camera wants to be a Polaroid. I like cameras that don't work right ;)
Dandelion is look CUTE!
Ruth Sandra said…
You have a lovely, cute blog!

I have given you a "One Lovely Blog Award" on my blog: http://RSSDesignsInFiber.blogspot.com
xnapoleonx said…
That's a cool cat picture indeed!
Anonymous said…
ahhh your kitty is adorable ....sometimes broken cameras take the coolest shots :-)

Polaroid soph said…
fantastic picture! that digital or film?
Anouk said…
aww the effecte is genial. i love your cat, soo cute and pretty.
Alisa said…
It is a neat effect
her name is bek said…
the photo is beautiful, I want your cat!
andrealynn said…
ha ha what a cutie ;)

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